For service businesses and independent professionals who want to get more clients by telling stories. 

"It's a great story...but will it sell?"

Cathy Goodwin, Online Marketing Strategist for Small Businesses & Independent Professionals

Free Marketing Training Presented by

CATHY GOODWIN, Ph.D. Copywriter |Strategist | Storyteller

Replay available if you sign up.


Stories are good for business. That's old news.

But not all stories do the same job. You can assign a story to captivate, entertain, or explain what you do.

What makes a story sell?

When you attend this 20-minute* video recording you'll discover...

...the hallmark of a story that "sells" rather than "tells"

...a list of the 4 ingredients that go into your selling story

...2 things that will take your story right to the "do-not-buy" zone

...and more (plus live answers to your questions)

"Sign me up! I want to get more clients with selling stories.  
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*New to my webinars? We give new meaning to the term "fluff-free." Many webinars give you less than 20 minutes of solid content in a 90-minute webinar. Here you'll get 20 minutes of content in 20 minutes...and 10 minutes of questions. Submit Qs early if you can't attend live.