For service businesses and independent professionals who want to get more clients by telling stories. 

"Top Copywriting Tips To Create Content That Positions You As An Authority In Your Field"

As a service business, you're an authority. Now let's tell the world!   
Cathy Goodwin, Online Marketing Strategist for Small Businesses & Independent Professionals

Free Online Training Presented by

CATHY GOODWIN, Ph.D. Copywriter |Strategist 

On-Demand Training



When you offer a professional service, you hold yourself out as an authority. You’re encouraging prospective clients to hire you when they need knowledge, expertise and/pr experience. So when you create content, you’ll need to present yourself as an authority.  

But if you're like most business owners, you struggle to write copy that positions you as the go-to expert in your field.  

You might be experiencing impostor syndrome. You might have Fear Of Bragging - you're so terrified of sounding unprofessional you go to the other extreme. 

Or you might be like most business owners - even some copwriters! - and say honestly, "I hate to write about myself." 

The truth is...

When you position yourself as an expert, you're not writing about yourself. You're writing about your clients. You make them look good. You encourage them to feel strong and confident, not more dependent on you. 

On this call, we'll cover...  

... the 3 reasons most business owners struggle to write copy that positions them as The Expert (and why clients actually want you to be the authority)

...the signs of a writing style that communicates confident expertise (and I bet one of them will surprise you) 

...why most business owners share stories that actually raise questions about their expertise (and the 3 qualities of a story that positions you as an expert, easily, without bragging). . 

And more!  

"Sign me up! I want get more ideal clients by positioning myself as an expert." 
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