Free Online Training for Your Business

 Never Disappear Into The Crowd Again  

"How To 10X Your Visibility With The Most Important Content Creation Strategy Of 2018"

Cathy Goodwin, Copywriter with Storytelling

Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D. Copywriter "Grow Your Business One Story At A Time" 

storytelling for branding for small business marketing by cathy goodwin

We’ve Identified 7 Reasons Why You're Not Standing Out With Your Story 

  • Don't have a story to tell: "I just don't have a story." Or, "My story is boring." 
  • Relying solely on a hero's journey story: Might be a marketing mis-fire for you. 
  • Failing to choose the most strategic story: Why "What's Your Story?" is a trick question (and most business owners get it wrong)
  • Using an outdated story: New business direction? Grab a new story.
  • Wrong audience: They're shocked ... or bored? One more reason to think beyond "story" 
  • Thinking you need to bare your soul: Discover what's more important than getting up close and personal when you share a story  
  • Telling your hottest prospects the story that will resonate your best long-term clients. Without the solutions to this problem, you're not maximizing the benefits of storytelling for marketing.

If you’re experiencing any of these storytelling challenges (or any we haven't mentioned), then this live training is for you. 

 It's been awhile since I hosted a live webinar like this one. Every time, the audience says things like, "This content really helped make a shift in my business!" and, "Can't believe we had a real training session - not a sales pitch disguished as a webinar!" 

 Make sure you don’t miss it. Click below to register now.