“Straight Talk About What You Gain (Or Lose) When You Go Back To School At Mid-Career"

 Imagine Paying Thousands Of Dollars To Get Fired  

On October 10, 2004, Sixty Minutes (a CBS-TV news program) interviewed a woman whose degree got her fired: she was sent packing after she began referring to herself as "Dr. X," honestly believing she had earned a Ph.D.  

Turned out her university had a reputation as a diploma mill. Putting that degree on your resume could be the kiss of death for your career.  

You probably won't make this mistake. Most degree programs are not diploma mills. 

But even legitimate, accredited university programs will waste thousands of dollars and years of your time ­if they aren't geared to your goals and objectives. 

As a former college professor, I got to know many students whose education choices would actually limit their future opportunities - after they paid serious money as a well-intentioned investment in their careers, often with considerable sacrifice.

It's hard to know how to choose a program ... but your decision just got easier. 

Now you can download an affordable guide to choosing a university ... what the admissions office won't tell you, and what I couldn't have told you while I was on a university payroll.

Click on the orange button to buy now.  

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