A new way to think about getting older

(even if you're not there yet).

I originally wrote this book to help millennials understand they don't have to be like their aging parents. It grew out of my routines in stand-up comedy.

Since then, it's been read by women and men of all ages. They laughed and cried and learned.

A funny book with a serious message.


"I read it all in one day! :) It was ... easy to read quickly."

"... A unique mix of humor, instructions on aging, instructions on how NOT to treat people who are aging, and some very deep wisdom running underneath."

"She manages to use humor as a delivery vehicle for refreshingly frank and well-researched perspectives on tough topics..."

Chapters include...

"Don't send me to prison and call it a party"
"Take this pill and shove it"
"I'm a smartass, not a sage"

"Nothing wrong with being a Rich Bitch. Pay me what I'm worth."

"Bitch in sheep's clothing: playing the age card"

©2024| Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.