Writing an About Page When YOU Are the Brand (without sharing any awkward personal stuff)

You're selling yourself, not some faceless company...and people are buying your services.

  • Prospects want to get a sense of the person behind the website (but they don't want to become your BFF or therapist)
  • They ask ONE question when they come to your About Page: Can this person help me?
  • They want to be confident you can help...because YOU have confidence in yourself.
copywriting special by cathy goodwin

When your About Page tells the right stories, you get...

... more clients who fit your definition of "ideal."

... faster signups because they feel they know you (some skip the "get acquainted" call).

... more productivity because you don't spend countless hours answering the same old questions.

I'm Cathy Goodwin. For over a decade, I've been a copywriter and storyteller.

I get called in to save clients' About Pages more than all their other website pages put together.

Write your own page -- why not? You know yourself and your value better than anyone else.

small business and service business marketing with cathy goodwin

Write Your About Page With Stories is a course for business owners who want to answer the question: Why should I hire you?

Module 1: The Surprising Place To Start Your Page

To attract clients with your About Page, start with your clients' stories - stories they tell themselves and stories they tell you.

small business brand for about page

Module 2: Build your brand with your About Page.

Use your story archetype to create a consistent message that leads to productive, profitable client relationships.

stories that sell

Module 3: Use a simple strategy to construct your page, block by block.

Let's divide your About Page into 4 moving parts--the building blocks.

You decide what goes where, depending on your brand.

Module 4: You're selling yourself --- so show why you're different.

Present "the real you" without showing off.

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